Letting Go: How to Leave Your Past Behind and Move On

Letting Go: How to Leave Your Past Behind and Move On

We have all experienced some form of pain in our lives, we have all been broken, battered, and bruised in some form or another. Whether it’s the pain of a broken relationship, a traumatic event, or a difficult life experience, it can be difficult to move past it. It can be even harder to let go of the past and move on. But it is possible to do so and start afresh. In this article, we will explore how to let go of your past, understand the need to do so, and learn how to start living life again.


The past has a way of sneaking up on us and taking hold of our present. We can’t move forward if we’re stuck in the past. We can’t start fresh if we keep carrying the baggage of our past with us. As I like to say, "You can't become a butterfly until you stop being a caterpillar." It’s important to be able to let go of our past in order to start living our best lives.

It can be hard to let go. We tend to cling to our past, whether it’s good or bad. We can get stuck dwelling on our past experiences, and this can prevent us from moving forward and living our present lives. But it is possible to let go of the past and start with a clean slate.

Understanding the Need to Let Go

The first step in being able to let go of the past is to recognize and understand why it’s important to do so. It’s important to recognize that the past is not a part of who we are and it does not define us. We are not our past experiences, and we can let go of them.

It’s also important to recognize that the past is not our present. We can’t change what happened in the past, but we can choose how we respond to it. We can choose not to be defined by it and to create a different future. We can create a new narrative for our lives and start fresh.

It’s also important to understand that letting go doesn’t mean forgetting. Letting go is about accepting what happened and moving on. It’s about letting go of the pain and the hurt, so that we can heal and start living our best lives.

Identifying What You Need to Let Go Of

The first step in being able to let go is to identify what you need to let go of. This can be difficult to do, as it requires us to be honest with ourselves and to confront our feelings. It’s important to be honest and to identify what it is that we need to let go of.

It can also be helpful to write down what it is that we need to let go of. Writing down our thoughts and feelings can help us to process them, and it can also help us to gain clarity. Writing down our thoughts and feelings can also help us to identify patterns and to recognize what it is that we need to let go of.  i personally know that it can be hard to let go of people or habits that you become used to, but you have to remind yourself that the person you want to be is not the person you are.  You have to keep reminding yourself of how much better your life can be, and keep visualizing your better life several times a week.

Recognizing How Trauma Impacts the Ability to Let Go

For some of us, letting go can be even harder due to trauma. Trauma can make it difficult to move past our experiences and to let go. Trauma can lead us to cling to the past, even when we don’t want to. It can be hard to break free from the grip of trauma and to start fresh.

It’s important to recognize how trauma can affect our ability to let go and to seek help if necessary. Trauma can be healed with the right help and support, and it can be a key part of being able to let go of the past and start fresh.  I have done this and it has most certainly made me a better person who others like to be around.  

Practicing Forgiveness and Acceptance

Forgiveness and acceptance are key to being able to let go of the past. It can be hard to forgive ourselves or others, but it’s an important part of healing and of letting go. It’s important to recognize that it’s ok to make mistakes and that it’s ok to forgive ourselves and others.

Acceptance is also key. It’s important to accept that we can’t change the past, but we can choose how we respond to it. We can choose to accept our past experiences and to learn from them, so that we can create a better future.

Developing Healthy Coping Strategies

Having healthy coping strategies is important for being able to let go of the past. It’s important to have healthy ways of dealing with our emotions, such as talking to a friend, writing in a journal, or going for a walk. It’s also important to recognize unhealthy coping strategies, such as self-harm or substance abuse, and to seek help if necessary.  Always remember that if you are going to give up a habit or behavior, you need to plan on finding something else to do with the time you used to spend on that habit or behavior.  Don't just quit cold turkey, have a new way to spend that time that is more enjoyable so you don't slide back into the old habit.

It can also be helpful to practice mindfulness and relaxation techniques. Mindfulness can help us to be more aware of our thoughts and feelings, and to recognize patterns. Relaxation techniques can help us to relax and to let go of stress and tension.  Check out my YouTube Happy Penguin Life Coaching channel liked below for an archive of Mindfulness meditation videos,

Setting Boundaries and Establishing New Habits

In order to let go of the past, it’s important to set boundaries and to establish new habits. It’s important to set boundaries with ourselves and with others, so that we can protect ourselves and our emotional wellbeing. It’s also important to establish new habits and routines, so that we can break free from old patterns and create new ones.

It can be helpful to have a plan for setting boundaries and establishing new habits. We can create a plan for how we want to move forward and what we want to do differently. This can help us to focus on the present and to create a better future.

Finding Support

It’s important to find the right kind of support when it comes to letting go of the past. It can be helpful to talk to a therapist or a counselor, or to find a support group. It can also be helpful to talk to friends or family. Having the right kind of support can make a big difference in our ability to let go of the past.  There are many 12-step programs for substance addiction, being a child from a dysfunctional family, weight issues, debt problems, and other issues.  Google search your problem and add "support group" to see what your options are.

Learning to Love Yourself Again

It can be hard to love ourselves if we’re stuck in the past. It can be hard to move forward if we don’t believe in ourselves. It’s important to recognize our worth and to learn to love ourselves again.

It’s important to recognize our strengths and our accomplishments. It’s important to recognize our worth and to be kind to ourselves. We can also find ways to practice self-care, such as taking a break, getting enough sleep, or doing something that we enjoy.


Letting go of the past can be hard, but it is possible. It’s important to understand the need to let go, to identify what we need to let go of, and to recognize how trauma can impact our ability to do so. It’s also important to practice forgiveness, acceptance, and healthy coping strategies, and to set boundaries and establish new habits. It’s also important to find support, to learn to love ourselves again, and to focus on the present.

Want to move forward? Contact me at [email protected].

Letting go of the past can be hard, but it is possible. It takes time and effort, but with the right help and support, you can let go of your past and start living your best life.

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