How to Change Your Attitude: 5 Ways To Become More Positive

How to Change Your Attitude: 5 Ways To Become More Positive

It seems like most of the people I talk to or read about are pessimistic. But what does that even mean? Pessimism as a general outlook doesn’t just mean you see the glass as half-empty. Instead, it’s a tendency to dwell on negatives and setbacks more than positives and highs. Why do we become so focused on the negative? We’re surrounded by evidence that positivity (in everything from our friends to our pets) is better for us. In fact, research has shown that optimism is one of the strongest predictors of life outcomes and personal happiness. So how can you start changing your outlook? I have 5 ways for you to become more optimistic and start seeing the glass as half-full instead of half-empty...

Be mindful of your surroundings

It may sound super obvious, but one of the best ways to become more optimistic is to be more mindful of your surroundings. The first step is to be aware of the countless opportunities that are always around you. Whether that’s noticing all the smiling faces around you while eating breakfast or noticing the positivity in others. Positivity is contagious, so be sure to be an optimist by noticing everyday things that you may have otherwise missed.

Focus on the good things

There’s a lot of emphasis on being positive, but not enough on focusing on the positive. Are there any good things in your life right now? Is there someone you spend time with? What is one thing that you have right now that you appreciate? Make sure to take a second to appreciate the small things in your life. Whether it’s washing the dishes or taking a short walk around the block, constantly remind yourself of the simple things in life that you appreciate.  Don't spend all your time thinking about what is 'wrong' or 'missing'.  

Understand what’s behind the bad

One of the biggest misconceptions about negativity is that it always has a purpose. The truth is, there are a lot of random factors behind our own thoughts. That includes both positive and negative feelings. Too often, we take our own thoughts too seriously or get wrapped up in the small things. Those negative feelings or thoughts are just a part of the human experience, and they’ll pass just like they did the last time you were feeling down. Try to remember that there’s a very specific reason behind every negative feeling or thought you have. When you’re feeling down, try to remember what that feeling is telling you. Is there something bothering you? Is there something you need to get off your chest?  When you have negative thoughts, don't engage with them, and they will go away in a few minutes.  That's how thought works.

Don’t take yourself so seriously

It's critical to recognize the distinction between being mindful of your own importance and being self-important. You'll miss out on a lot more if you constantly worry about what others think of you, even if you take yourself seriously. The majority of what happens in your life is not specifically related to you. Other people are not constantly thinking about you; they are busy thinking about themselves. When you realize that everything that happens in your life is not related to you, you are less likely to take yourself seriously. You're less likely to get worked up about matters that don't merit your attention.

Exercise and get outdoors

We’re often told to get more exercise and eat healthier, but what about getting more optimistic? Whether that’s taking a walk or meditating, exercise can make you feel better while boosting your optimism. It also allows you to think more clearly and get outside of your head. When you’re feeling down, going outside and getting some fresh air can really help. It allows you to clear your mind and refocus on what’s really important. It’s like a reset button. Plus, getting outside can actually change your brain chemistry. When you’re in the natural world, your brain is receiving a ton of positive messages from nature!  Cut back or eliminate alcohol and remember to get plenty of sleep as well.


If you want to change your life for the better, you’ve got to start by changing your attitude. If you want to become more positive, you need to be more mindful of your surroundings and recognize the good things happening in your life. You also need to refocus on what’s really important and realize that there are many different factors behind your thoughts.  Also remember that your thoughts are not permanent, if you have negative thoughts wait a few minutes and they will go away.  Now more than ever, it’s important to be optimistic. Positivity can boost your mood and make you feel better while helping you cheer others up. It can also make you more likely to achieve your goals and lead a happier life. Keep these tips in mind, and you’ll start seeing the glass as half-full instead of half-empty.

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